Hocus Pocus, Keep your Focus! Potion Bottle Tutorial Just in time for those Trick-or-Treaters to come around. Put together some Potion Bottles using these AMAZING new labels! Halloween is this week and what better to do than add the touch of these potion bottles. You can follow our suggestions for the fillers or maybe do something edible and have fun eating your potions on Halloween! Supplies : v 6-7 Glass Bottles I got some great ones at JoAnn’s that even look vintage v Download your Potion Labels of Choice from My Silhouette Store PIXIE DUST SNAKE VENOM DRAGON SCALES MERMAID TEARS SPIDER LEGS VAMPIRE BLOOD MUMMY DUST v Glue Stick v Fillers for the Potion Bottles. Here is a list of what I used, but feel free to use your own creativity! Pixie Dust – Gold Glitter (Dollar Store) Snake Venom – Plastic snakes with Red/Blue Food coloring in the Water (Dollar Store) Dragon Scales – Sequins (Dollar Store) Mermaid Tears – Clear and pur...
Silhouette Instructions