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Kinda back :)

Hey everybody!

Well it has been awhile and I apologize to all who look forward to monthly Silhouette downloads from me. I have been swamped!!! In a kinda good way though :) New exciting ventures, clients and so forth. I have so much that I want to do and it feels like my brain never shuts off. Its always concocting new crafts and ideas. So I thought I would share some of the things I have been working on in the last couple of months. I hope to expand this blog so it is not just about silhouette designs. I hope that's ok with all of you and please still feel free to ask me questions about silhouette and I will try to answer the ones I know ;) hehehe. So here it goes. PS: for silhouette enthusiast that just want to find the silhouette part, skip to the bottom.
PSS: Sorry about picture quality. They are all mobile uploads. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

So I tried my hand at "sculpting"

 Made some lovely topiaries with a friend.

Crocheted cute hats for a friends kids :)

I just love making these sock monkeys! They take on a life of their own. So much fun!

Designing Head wraps. Hoping to add some new designs and post the patterns on etsy soon. For you crocheters out there. If you are interested in making these, stay tuned. The new designs are so cute!!!!

Learning how to sew and since I don't have a little friends daughters are getting so many new dresses. Love this blue fabric. You can't see it, but it has sparkles.

Finally so Silhouette stuff. First pic is a t-shirt using my pear shape and pharmacy type. The second pic is a food storage coupon book using my 3D poppy design. You can find both shapes in the silhouette store.

Just posted this shape to the silhouette store. Turned out way cuter than I thought it would. Instructions are posted in the info box next to the shape.

That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed and that it gave you some ideas.

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